therapeutic bodywork • movement • health
Moms & Babies—

Prenatal Massage Therapy
Massage therapy offers relief for tired legs, tight shoulders, and achy low back to help ease the process of pregnancy and delivery.
Increased circulation of the blood and lymph, and balancing of the hormonal system afford greater nutrition to the baby via the placenta. And deep relaxation calms Mom’s nervous system, which translates to the baby, enhancing bonding.
$95/60 minutes; $118/75 minutes; $142/90 minutes
Partner Labor & Delivery Support
Labor support partners (spouses, friends, etc.) who have never been present for a birth are much more comfortable helping when they receive coaching prior to the new baby's arrival.
Training is individualized and can consist of a wide range of hands-on techniques, breathing strategies, and preparation for the different challenges that may confront the mom and the support person during birth.
$95/60 minutes; $118/75 minutes; $142/90 minutes

Infant Massage Classes for Parents
The deep comfort a baby experiences in the loving hands of his/her parents is actually beneficial for baby’s neurological development. Learn specific infant massage techniques to enhance your baby's relaxation and developmental growth, and to hone a tried and true way to connect with your baby for many years to come.
Infant massage can help with:
• baby's sleep
• gas and colic /constipation and elimination
• muscular tension
$95/60 minutes; $118/75 minutes; $142/90 minutes

Biodynamic craniosacral is a very effective way of working with a number of challenging situations related to birth. This gentle work is done in a family context; the parent(s) are invited to actively participate as the session unfolds. It can include light hands-on therapeutic work, touch to support baby's movements, interactive work to help balance baby’s autonomic nervous system, massage, and practical aspects of enhancing attachment.
Specifically, torticollis, prematurity, adoption, difficult birth, loss or illness, anxiety, and breastfeeding challenges can be addressed with this approach. Also available for toddlers.
$95/60 minutes

Pregnancy and the time soon after birth is the primary window for establishing a strong life-long bond with your baby. Learn how to understand your baby’s non-verbal cues, how he/she self-regulates, and how to transform stress into an opportunity for deeper bonding.
Can include movement, videos, and other materials designed to creatively explore how to make birth the best experience possible.
$95/60 minutes; $118/75 minutes; $142/90 minutes

Prenatal Yoga
Yoga has been scientifically shown to decrease stress levels, help relieve back pain, and to help keep mothers more comfortable, especially in the latter stages of pregnancy. Also, it can help to reduce the risk of pre-term labor and intrauterine growth restriction, which slows the baby’s development.
Yoga poses are adapted to all trimesters and can help mothers (some classes include partners) to:
• prepare mentally for the demands of birthing
• gain stamina and strengthen the body for birth
• learn breathing techniques that are invaluable during labor
• foster increased emotional steadiness
• deepen the connection with one’s baby
• practice deep relaxation
$95/hour (classes taught privately since Covid)

Postnatal Yoga
Designed for new mothers (&/or fathers) and their newborn from 4 weeks to 6 months old, this class is enriching on many levels:
• helps to tone Mom’s body after labor through yoga
• gives a chance for adults to communicate with their baby through movement
• identifies baby’s current developmental movements
• integrates Moms and baby’s movement needs together
• is fun and relaxing!
$95/hour (classes taught privately since Covid)
Prenatal Yoga "...is a real game changer!" - Sara H
"Julie helped me through bodywork and yoga both before and during my pregnancy. The experience helped me connect with my coming baby and my emerging role as a mom. So when our baby was born early and with extremely tight muscles I knew that Julie could help, but I never imaged what a sweet and emotional class it would be. The massage class not only gave my husband and I the skills to help relax our baby’s muscles, but gave us a time to slow down and deeply connect with this new little guy. Our boy has grown and sped up even more, but when he is calm I give him a little massage and he sighs with relaxation and we both bask in this loving moment. I recommend learning baby massage. It is a skill that will serve you and your little one. Julie Aha offers a loving and connecting approach with easy to learn skills and lots of love. She is the best." - Molly R